It’s said that at indeterminate point of the Miño River, in the north of Galicia, a sardine-boy crosses the current at the end of the carnival festivities, leaving behind the people who celebrate his burial. It is unknown what causes his transformation, but the most observant eyes say that could the moisture on his skin. His existence is even confirmed by the biggest sceptics. No one in the area has any doubts.
Director and script: Lucía Estévez
Executive producer: Nati Juncal Portas
Photography: Lucía C. Pan
Editing: Lucía Estévez, Brandán Cerviño
Soundtrack: Mario G. Cortizo
Sound design: Javier Pato, David Machado
Art direction: Carmen Triñanes
Film production company: Cósmica Producións
Cast: Miguel Canalejo, María Vázquez, Diego Anido, Fran Martínez, Camila Bossa, Cristina Andrade, María Roja, Carmen Blanco.
With funding from AGADIC and ICAA
Awards and festivals: