CÓSMICA PRODUCIÓNS was officially created in 2018, but it really began in 2007, during the filming of Perversa Lola, Sonia Méndez’s first short film. After meeting on that set, Nati and Sonia formed a successful directing-production partnership from which several short films and the web series Angélica & Roberta were born. Throughout these years they have developed their work style and created their own place in the Galician audiovisual scene.


2016 Fiction short film. Drama.

A woman walks down the street. A man is following her.

Ei, guapa! Is a reflection on the invasion of one woman’s intimate space -which really, is all of us-. 

A reflection about the implicit violence in the appropriation of a space that doesn’t belong to you and how this invasion becomes an act -which should be- a crime.

This production was included in the VISIONS project, a collective film by ten Galician women directors.

Festivals and awards:
S8 (Galicia), Zinebi (España), Chiavi Festival (Taiwan), Curtocircuíto (España), Censurados Film Fest (Perú), Certamen Cine Lento (España), Todos Somos Otros (México), Ferfilm Festival (Kosovo).


2012 Fiction short film. Drama.

After fifteen years, Luis has just been released from prison, after he was sentenced for the murder of his wife Elena. When Luis returns to the big house they both shared, Elena appears to him “from the dead” to have a conversation with him. And for curious women like Elena, men’s justice is not enough…


  • Mestre Mateo 2012. Best fiction short film.
  • IX Curtocircuito  IX. Best short film.
  • IX Festival de Cans. Best actor.
  • Cinemacurtas. Best actor.
  • FICBE. Audience award and second prize.
  • IKUSKA. “Femenino Plural” Award.
  • Festival de Curtametraxes Vila De Noia. Best actor.
  • Festival Cineculpable. Best short film and best actor.
  • Creat Rivas film festival. Audience award and social values award.

MUFEST II, Festival Andoenredando, Festival Primaveira Do Cine, Women Make Waves Film Festival (Taiwan), X Muestra De Cine: La Mujer En Escena, Fieri Film Festival (Albania), FICBE 2012, XXIV Festival Aguilar de Campoo, XVII Festival de Cine de Zaragoza, Cineculpable, XVI Muestra Internacional de Cine Realizado por Mujeres de Zaragoza, XIII Muestra de Cine Realizado por Mujeres De Huesca, El Día Más Corto.


2012 Fiction short film. Drama.

A homeless man is found dead in the vicinity of a theatre where young actresses are rehearsing a play about a murder.

Two very unusual police inspectors burst into the rehearsal to interrogate them… Is someone lying? Or rather… Is anyone telling the truth?


  • Mestre Mateo 2011. Best fiction short film 
  • Kaohsiung Film Festival (Taiwan) / Best short film

MUFEST – II, Curtas de Sada, Curtocircuíto, FICT Festival Internacional, Mostre de Cine Expressioni (Italia), Visual XI Cine Novísimo, Festival Internacional El Espejo (Colombia), Curts Ripollet, OUFF Festival Internacional De Ourense, FESANCOR (Chile), IX Mujer En Escena, Certamen Internacional Ciudad de Utrera.


2010-2013. Web serie. Comedia

2 seasons. 18 episodes

Angelica and Roberta are the kind of girls who sat in the back row of the class and who you never paid attention to (and they never cared).

Wouldn’t you love to know what happened to them?


  • Mestre Mateo 2013. Best web series
  • L-A. WEBFEST (Los Angeles) Best actresses, best script.
  • Girona Film Festival 2013
  • Musgo Award, Best Comedy Series 2013.


2010 Fiction short film. Drama.

A couple locks themselves in their apartment for three days before breaking up. There they will talk, make love and try to understand, without recriminations or drama, why things didn’t work out between them.


  • Mestre Mateo 2010. Nominated for Best Fiction Short Film.


2008 Curtametraxe de ficción. Drama.

Lola leva meses separada da súa parella. Desde entón dedícase a seguilo aos moteis onde o déitase con outras mulleres. Un día el esíxelle que deixe de facelo, coñeceu a outra muller coa que quere ter unha relación seria. Pero Lola non está disposta a aceptar esta nova realidade. Entón decide pedirlle algo para acabar co estraño xogo…


  • IX Festival de Cans. Mellor actriz e Mención especial do Xurado.